Your eyes are the window to the world.

The most common questions are:

Review the patient information sheet for further information and to prepare for LASIK

Is LASIK safe? 
LASIK has been approved by the FDA as safe and effective treatment for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Does it hurt?

No.  Generally there is a minimal pressure sensation and no pain.

How long does the procedure take?

LASIK is completed in only 10 minutes!

How quickly after LASIK will I be able to see?
The average LASIK patient will see well by the next day, and be able to return to work by day 2!
Of course, your vision will continue to gradually improve for several weeks afterwards.

How long will my vision after LASIK last?
If you see well after LASIK, this sharp distance vision should last for the rest of your life (assuming you don't develop cataracts or another disease). If you need a "touch-up", we will know within several months after the procedure and the doctor will do this as soon as the vision is stable.

Will I need glasses for any activities?

If both eyes are corrected for distance and you are over forty, you will eventually need reading glasses, like any person with normal vision. If you choose, "Monovision LASIK" may allow you to read without glasses forever!  Some people need fine tuning with glasses for some of their activities.

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Almost all patients pass their drivers license exam without glasses or contact lenses at our Center!

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