Your eyes are the window to the world.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary from region to region and surgeon to surgeon.  Our goal is to eliminate cost as a barrier.  If you are ready to schedule laser vision correction, we have an innovative program where you can name your own price.  Naturally, if your price is too low, you will be unable to have the procedure done.  Fees are typically 2000 to 2500 per eye.  This includes the laser center fee, surgeons fee, care before surgery and care for 6 months after surgery.  Some medications may be included as well.

Can I make payments?

Yes, financing is available as well as credit card payments.  Payments are as low as 3 dollars per day!

Will I need glasses for any activities?

If both eyes are corrected for distance and you are over forty, you will eventually need reading glasses, like any person with normal vision. If you choose, "Monovision LASIK" may allow you to read without glasses forever!  Some people need fine tuning with glasses for some of their activities.

If LASIK is so great, why don't doctors have LASIK?
They do, in fact hundreds and probably thousands of Doctors including eye doctors have had LASIK in the USA.  In addition many of the top pro athletes have had LASIK including Tiger Woods and Troy Aikman. 

I live out of town, where should I stay for my procedure and how long should I plan to be in town?

You should plan to arrive the day of surgery and stay for one night at a local hotel, you can generally return home the next day and plan to see your regular eye doctor in 1 week to 3 months.  If possible we would like to see you at 3 months as well.  Follow up arrangements should be made before surgery.  We would be happy to contact your doctor to arrange for follow-up.

More Questions

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Email: [email protected]

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